Summary: cannot telnet into host

Rich Pieri (
Wed, 07 Jan 1998 16:02:59 -0500


The ideas tended to revolve around DNS and inetd problems, with the
occasional nsswitch.conf. They were, indirectly: something completely
hosed up routing on that machine to the point where rebooting would not
rectify the problem. While it was able to get NIS information and mount
its NFS volumes, something later in the boot cycle messes up the routing
table. At that point it could not resolve anything but itself.

Restoring a backup has eliminated the problem, even if it failed to fix it.

>>>>> "RP" == Rich Pieri <> writes:

RP> This one has me stumped, as I cannot find what was changed to cause the
RP> problem.

RP> We have an Ultra, Solaris 2.5.1. All network services (NFS, NIS, etc)
RP> appear to be working. I can ping the host from other hosts. I can FTP
RP> into it. When sitting on the console I can telnet into itself. But I
RP> cannot telnet in from any other host. in.telnetd is started from inetd and
RP> I get the "Connected to foo...." and "Escape character is '^]'." messages,
RP> and then it just sits there.

RP> tcp_wrappers are not being used.

RP> Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Rich Pieri <> / Happy Fun Ball contains a liquid
Sysmonster, Unix Wrangler                / core, which, if exposed due to
Prescient Technologies, Inc.            / rupture, should not be touched,
I speak for myself, not PTI or SWEC    / inhaled, or looked at.