Summary: Reading from tape is *slow*

K.Ravi (
Mon, 22 Dec 1997 18:25:08 +0330

My original query:
Got a 8mm DAT with a tar archive created on IBM AIX. Exracting this data on
to a SS4 is very slow. 'truss' output shows thst each 'read' call returns only
512 bytes even when the requested block size is more (10240 or 32768).

The tape has been written using 512-byte block size. There is nothing much I
can do about it. I can only suggest the person who created the tape-archive to
use a bigger block size next time.

My thanks to:
Brian Sherwood <>
Jeffrey S. Jewett <>
Joseph S D Yao <>


K.Ravi, | Opinions expressed here are my own
IPEC/DDR, Oracle Software India Ltd. | and do not necessarily represent
Bangalore - 560 001. | those of Oracle Corporation.

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