SUMMARY: ufsrestore (fwd)

Scott F. Woods (
Mon, 15 Dec 1997 09:28:18 -0500 (EST)

Well, the answer to my question was extremely simple:
Do an interactive restore (i option) and start with
the last tape of the dump and work towards the first
(this was a multi-tape dump).

I would like to thank the following people for their prompt
responses which saved my butt!! I think everyone had the
same answer.

Ian MacPhedran
Robert T. Clift
Grant Lowe
Joe Pruett
Mark Cain
Mark Hargrave
Brad Young
Tom Erickson
Ira Childress
Joel Lee
Matt Reynolds

My original post is included below.

Thanks again!!!!

| Scott Woods phone: 770-497-2948 |
| CAD Engineer email: |
| Integrated Device Technology, Inc. |
| 11555 Medlock Bridge Rd. Suite #170 |
| Duluth, GA 30097 |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 10:01:24 -0500 (EST)
From: "Scott F. Woods" <>
Subject: ufsrestore
Followup-To: "Scott F. Woods" <>

Hi all,

We have a large storage array (around 55 gig) for which
I use ufsdump to backup. This takes multiple tapes
(8mm 112 meter, Exabyte 8505 drive) to do a level
0 dump. Someone (not me!) accidentely deleted about
10 gig of data that I now need to restore from the
multiple tape, level 0 backup.

I try to restore by putting the first tape of the
backup in the drive and typing "ufsrestore xbyf 512
/dev/rmt/0cn <directory to be restored>". Everything
seems to work fine at this point, but after about
three hours (it must be near the end of the first tape)
I start seeing an error message repeated:

"Read error while trying to resynchronize"

All I can do at this point is <cntl>-c the ufsrestore
and tell it not to continue. The complete directory
structure and some of the files have been restored at
this point, but there is still a lot missing. There
are still three other tapes that were used for the
backup. Is there a way I can get the data off of them?
If I try to to a ufsrestore on anything but the first tape
I get an error message: "This is not volume 1 of the dump"

Any ideas??

Thanks for your help!! This list is the greatest!!

Scott Woods
Integrated Device Technology, Inc.