SUMMARY: Help with diskless client

Vic Germani (
Sat, 13 Dec 1997 22:46:55 -0500

Thanks to all who responded. I won't resend all of the responses
because the solution was rather easy once I figured it out. Basically,
in Solaris 2.6 you need to install the Adminsuite 2.2 in order to
install the diskless client. I may be wrong but I spent quite a while
searching for another solution and none was found. setup_install_server
and add_install_client were not needed.

There is a command line interface to the admhostadd program but if that
is installed properly then the GUI interface should also be installed
and it is much easier to deal with. The hardest part was installing the
Adminsuite software properly. First it did not come with the Solaris
2.6 server edition that I received. When I finally got a copy of it it
took several times to install it before I could get it to work
properly. Once installed though it worked great. Just choose
hostmanager and the rest is easy. The worst part is that now I see how
slow the client actually is I will probablly scrap the whole idea.

Thanks to:

Davin Milun <milun@cs.Buffalo.EDU>
zembee <>
Matt Reynolds <>
David Thorburn-Gundlach <>
Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services <>

Val <>
Shobhit Kapoor <>