SUMMARY:banner pages

Jason L. Harrell (
Tue, 09 Dec 1997 14:41:07 -0600

Thanks to everyone who responded:

David Linnabary <davidl@CMHHealth.Org>
Philip A. Fitzpatrick" <> (Bill Townsley)

Turns out that this is the what turned them off:

Stephen Harris <>

The banner might be being created in three places:
1) lpd header, inwhich case try putting :sh: in the printcap entry.
dunno if this works for remote printers

Here's another suggestion that more than likely would work but I didn't
try it b/c I got the above first:

Yizhong Zhou <>

When you set up a printer queue using jetadmin, it should allow you
to turn this on or off (the option is Burst Page). Once the queue
is set up, check the .params under the queue's spool directory and
you'll see the SUPPRESSHDR variable. Add sh to the right of the
equal sign. This should turn off the banner page

Again, thanks guys.



Jason L. Harrell UNIX System Administrator John Steffen Associates St. Louis, MO 63146