SUMMARY: Solstice Backup Module for Oracle

Coffindaffer, Virginia (
Wed, 03 Dec 1997 16:21:38 -0500


Questions: Does Sun's Solstice Backup Module for Oracle require the
Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility ? Also, if you have used this Solstice
Backup Module for Oracle, what do you think about it ?

The site is running Oracle 7.3.2, Solaris 2.5.1 on an Ultra 5000, and
Solstice Backup 4.2.6.


Yes. Sun's Solstice Backup Module for Oracle requires the Oracle 7.x
Enterprise Backup Utility. Oracle informed me that this utility is free
and comes with Oracle Server.

Thanks to the following people:

from Andrew Moffat:
We run predominantly Sybase (at the moment), but have one new app which
switching to run under ORACLE 7.3.3 on 2.5.1 on a 3000. We have
been using Networker 4.2.7 and Legato's Sybase Backup Module (which also

requires DataTools SQL-BackTrack). So we figured it would match nicely
run the ORACLE backup the same way...

However, once we got all the doc we found that Enterprise Backup is
All the Backup Module basically does (apart from the usual indexing and
management stuff) is provide something for the EBU to backup to (I
EBU is kinda broken unless you have this extra piece). Our DBA's took a
at what it would take to setup EBU and balked at the effort required
up a catalog db etc etc etc). They decided they were happy to take the
downtime and risks of just doing filesystem backups of the ORACLE files.
These, of course, are done through standard Networker filesystem saves.

from Greg Polanski:

I am using Legato and Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility.(EBU)
The module allows the Legato server to cause Oracle EBU to run
on the client.  I have found the following tidbits.

1.    Be sure to specify 'nsrdmo' in the "Backup Command:" field.
2.    Edit /usr/sbin/nsrdmo for the correct Oracle home directory.
3.    Any mail command in "Owner Notification:" has to be in the
       of the legato server.
4.    Only one database per save set, so if you have two databases on a
        define a saveset for each DB.

Thanks to W. Bertino at Merisel for the following:
"The Solstice Database Module for Oracle must be installed on the target

database server running Oracle7 and the Oracle Enterprise Backup
The system running Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility is configured as a

client of the Solstice Backup server. Since Database Module Oracle
is a client-side product, the DMO software must reside on the same
as Oracle EBU.

The logical Configuration possibilities then are:

1. The Oracle7 Database and Solstice Backup products can run on the same

2. The Oracle Database and Solstice Backup may be set up on separate


In either case the "target database server" is the Solaris Server
the Oracle7 Database.

In general here are the INSTALLATION STEPS your customer will follow to
install Solstice Database Module For Oracle:


1. Install the target Database on a Solaris Server (1).
2. Install the Backup Server with Solstice Backup Network Edition on

Solaris Server (2)
**Note: at this point you must decide if you are installing Solstice

Backup on the same server as the Oracle7 Database or on a separate

server. Our example assumes installation on a second server called

Solaris Server (2).
3. Install the Backup Client Software on the target Database Server
Server (1).
4. Install the Database Module for Oracle on the target Database Server

Solaris Server (1).
5. Install the Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility's Backup Catalogue
Server (1).
6. Install the Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility on the target database

server Solaris Server (1).

(WHAT YOU NEED TO DEPLOY Solstice DB Module for Oracle)

The Database Module for Oracle software is available for Solaris and
client systems. To protect Oracle UNIX databases with Solstice Backup,
following four products are required:

1. Solstice Backup server software (on the backup server)
2. Solstice Backup client software (on the database server and backup
3. Solstice Database Module for Oracle (on the database server/backup
4. Oracle 7 Enterprise Backup Utility from Oracle Corp. (on the

* See Oracle web page for latest Enterprise Backup Utility information.

Solstice Backup Module for Oracle is used in conjunction with the
Enterprise Backup Utility from Oracle and Solstice Backup Network
from SunSoft.


Solstice Database Module For Oracle:

What does it do?
SDBMO facilitates data passing between Oracle's Enterprise Backup
(see definition below) and Solstice Backup. INSTALLED ON THE ORACLE
this interface streams data FROM: "obackup buffers", the Oracle backup
utility, TO: Solstice Backup. Solstice Backup can reside either on the
local Oracle server OR across the network on a remote machine. In
the Solstice Database Module for Oracle can launch the Oracle Enterprise

Utility for Scheduled Backups.

How does it work?
The storage management server runs the Solstice Backup
administrative software, with a backup device connected to it.
Using DMO, the system running Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility is
configured as a client of the Solstice Backup server. The storage
management server and database server software may run on the same
or separate systems. Since DMO is a client-side product, the DMO
must reside on the same system as Oracle EBU.

Oracle's Enterprise Backup Utility:

Oracle7 provides a new database oriented backup and restore
subsystem, called the Enterprise Backup Utility. This utility can be
with other backup software like Solstice Backup.
Why you need it:
* safely backs up DB while online
* high performance backups.
* integrates DB backups with regular backups
* utilized Oracle backup history formats so that reports
can easily be generated for Oracle Admins