SUMMARY: Solaris 2.6 Upgrade problem :-(

Michel Pilon (
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 17:20:06 -0500 (EST)


Few weeks ago I asked for the following:

> Yesterday I started to upgrade my Sparc 20 Mod 54 running Solaris 2.5 to
> Solaris 2.6.
> After choosing the upgrade option, the installation processed. At the 3/4
> of the installation (looking at the installation bar), it hung :-(.
> The CD was not be accessed anymore, the installation window just froze and
> I got no error messages at the screen neither at the console!!! The only
> solution was to halt the system and restore Solaris 2.5 (it was late in the
> evening) :-(.
> Anybody got the same behavior during an upgrade to 2.6?
> Any comments???

And the answer is "I quit to soon!!!"

I reinstalled the Solaris 2.6 upgrade on the Sparc20. During the upgrade,
I can visualize which package is being installed (the mean installation rate
was about 1 package/5 minutes). But it took 2 HOURS!!! to install CDE
package (SUNWdtdte Solaris Desktop Login Environment)!!!

During that 2 hours, I got no refresh at my screen, no activity at the
CDROM and no disk activity at all!!! I really don't understand what the
system did during that time...!

Anyway, Solaris 2.6 is installed now and everything is wroking fine!

A big thank to:

Jim Harmon <> (who gave me the hope to wait :-) )
D. Stew McLeod" <>

Michel Pilon                        E-mail:
Administrateur de systemes Unix     Tel:    (819) 564-4819
Centre d'information topographique  Fax:    (819) 564-5698
2144 King Ouest, suite 010, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, J1J 2E8