SUMMARY Q: sendmail: Cannot send message for zero seconds (fwd)

Alan Thew (
Thu, 06 Nov 1997 18:01:09 +0000 (GMT)

Sorry for the delay

I asked:

We recently reverted to Sun's V8 sendmail from real V8 (8.6.13) while Sun
come out with a vacation patch that works with V8.x sendmail (i.e. non

I carefully (so I thought) continued to use our original .cf file and all
is fine except when I restart the daemon and it cannot connect during an
initial queue run. I get the above error.

What do I need to fix/alter/remove to avoid it?


I received 3 replies:

"Karl E. Vogel" <>
matthew zeier <>
Alan I <Chian-Shan.I@East.Sun.COM>

As far as I can see , my original question was not answered but it is a
real bug and not something I'd missed :-)

From: "Karl E. Vogel" <>
In-reply-to: <>
Subject: Re: Q: sendmail: Cannot send message for zero seconds
Organization: Sumaria Systems Inc.
X-Disclaimer: I don't speak for the USAF or Sumaria.

>> On Thu, 30 Oct 1997 00:15:38 +0000 (GMT),
>> Alan Thew <> said:

A> We recently reverted to Sun's V8 sendmail from real V8 (8.6.13) while
A> Sun come out with a vacation patch that works with V8.x sendmail
A> (i.e. non Sun).

That's a very old version of sendmail which has tons of security holes in
it. Your safest bet is to upgrade to sendmail-v8 plus the latest
named/bind release.

The M4 macros in the sendmail source code make it very easy to generate
most files.

Source code:

Compiled binaries:

From: matthew zeier <>
Received: (from mrz@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5)
id JAA12520 for;
Thu, 30 Oct 1997 09:30:34 -0800 (PST)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Q: sendmail: Cannot send message for zero seconds
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 09:30:34 -0800 (PST)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Alan Thew" at Oct 30, 97 00:15:38 am
X-Phone: 408/764-8420
X-Pager: 888/602-4131
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
Content-Type: text

> We recently reverted to Sun's V8 sendmail from real V8 (8.6.13) while Sun
> come out with a vacation patch that works with V8.x sendmail (i.e. non
> Sun).

What problem where you having? I've been running UCB Sendmail 8.8.7 on
2.5.1 and 2.6 machines without any problems.

- mz

> I carefully (so I thought) continued to use our original .cf file and all
> is fine except when I restart the daemon and it cannot connect during an
> initial queue run. I get the above error.
> What do I need to fix/alter/remove to avoid it?
> Thanks.
> --
> Alan Thew
> Computing Services,University of Liverpool Fax: +44 151 794-4442

From: Alan I <Chian-Shan.I@East.Sun.COM>
Reply-To: Alan I <Chian-Shan.I@East.Sun.COM>
Subject: Re: Q: sendmail: Cannot send message for zero seconds
Message-ID: <libSDtMail.9710292026.9254.alani@opera>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-MD5: 44sntlwhd7eUBcWloclpUA==
X-Mailer: dtmail 1.1.0 CDE Version 1.1 SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m sparc

It's a bug when:

Synopsis: sendmail deferred delivery fails if using a non-Sun vendor config file

If you run sendmail with a V5 config file (or any other config version without
the sun vendor switch enabled) mail deferring will fail with the error:

Cannot send message for zero seconds

This seems to be due to a (my)TimeOuts->to_q_return not being initialised

There is some Sun vendor specific code in readcf.c, where :
If ! Sun config, then set TimeOuts.to_q_return to be the value in option T
else initialise u,n and t TimeOuts.to_q_return to the required values.

When it comes to delivering the mail, (envelope.c) always sets
(my)TimeOuts->to_q_return to be one of the u,n or t TimeOuts.to_q_return
values, even if you are not running a Sun vendor config. So these variables are
uninitialised for non sun vendor files and deferring fails.

Here is an example from a host "broon" mailing to a downed host "ale"

# /usr/lib/sendmail -C/etc/mail/ -v ianba@ale </etc/motd
ianba@ale... Connecting to (ether)...
ianba@ale... Deferred: No route to host
Cannot send message for zero seconds
Saving message in /home/ianba/dead.letter
/home/ianba/dead.letter... Sent

where /etc/mail/ is a V5 config file which has OT set to OT3d


Work around:
Use a V1/Sun config file
Suggested fix:

State triggers:
Accepted: yes
Evaluated: yes
john.beck@Eng 1997-July-09

This will be fixed when we roll to 8.8 .
Commit to fix in releases:
Fixed in releases:
Integrated in releases:
Verified in releases:
Closed because:
Incomplete because:
Duplicate of:
Introduced in Release:
Root cause:
Program management:
Fix affects documentation: no
Exempt from dev rel: no
Fix affects L10N: no
Interest list: mynam@eng
Patch id:
john.beck@Eng 1997-July-09

This will be fixed when we roll to 8.8 .
satish.mynam@Eng 1997-10-08
This behaviour also exists in 4.1.x V8 sendmail patch as the source base is
taken from 2.6 sendmail 8.6+. Use the workaround to fix this problem.

Deferred delivery fails if using a on sun vendor config file.
Delivery fails with the error:

Cannot send message for zero seconds

john.beck@Eng 1997-July-09

This will be fixed when we roll to 8.8 .

Alan I