SUMMARY: Mounting DOS CD's to SunOS

dave cain (
Wed, 05 Nov 1997 11:49:21 -0500

My original message was:
>> I know my Solaris 2.5.1 system senses DOS formatted
>> CD's and automounts them just fine, so is there some
>> way to mount a DOS formatted CD under SunOS?

Dale Wiles ( was the first to come up with the
right answer:
> "DOS formatted" CD's are actually ISO9660 formatted. Back in SunOS's time
>this was called "High Seirra" format, so you need to mount them with the
>'-f hsfs' option. The readonly flag is also required.
> The command is something like: 'mount -f hsfs -ro /dev/sr0 /cdrom' but you
>may need to check the man page.

...and in fact that is the correct command. Thanks Dale.

* David Cain Phone: (315) 452-8341 *
* Syracuse Research Corp. Fax: (315) 452-8310 *
* 6225 Running Ridge Road *
* North Syracuse, NY 13212 *