[SUMMARY]Re: GCC Binaries for Solaris 2.6?

Al Aldrich (aaldrich@nebs.com)
Tue, 16 Sep 1997 14:40:24 -0400

Celeste had the answer..here it is:

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: Re: GCC Binaries for Solaris 2.6?
Author: celeste@celestial.stokely.com (Celeste Stokely) at Internet
Date: 9/16/97 11:21 AM


..Celeste Stokely, Unix System Administration Consultant
Stokely Consulting, 211 Thompson Square, Mountain View CA 94043
celeste@stokely.com - Voice: 650.967.6898 - FAX: 650.967.0160
http://www.stokely.com - Home of Unix Serial Port & Sysadm Resources

- Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 12:37:37 -0400
- From: aaldrich@nebs.com (Al Aldrich)
- Reply-To: aaldrich@nebs.com (Al Aldrich)
- Subject: GCC Binaries for Solaris 2.6?
- To: sun-managers@ra.mcs.anl.gov
- Does anyone have or no where I can find some Solaris 2.6 Binaries for
- 2.6 so I can install and use GNU stuff? The usual binary site seems to
- only go as high as 2.5.1
- Thanks
- al