SUMMARY emacs questions

Ying He (
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 09:20:34 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, I have got a lot of answers from this list and I really appreciate it.

Even some of people say this is not the question belong to this list, but
I would like to summary here , some one may need it.

Two different ways you can make this work:

1. Use right print command: lp -oeolwrap
or lp -olandscape

2. modify .emacs file:
turn on auto-fill-mode(M-x
auto-fill-mode <Enter>).

Thanks for all you replied.


Original question:

> When you are using emacs to edit the file, the lines auto wrapped(no return an
d new line ), but when you try to print, you can only see one line, any ideas?
> Thanks.