Providing full WWW connectivity for LP and CLP systems
Welcome to the PiLLoW package home page. This package is a public domain HTML/XML/HTTP conectivity package for Logic Programming and Constraint Programming systems.
Copyright: This package is provided under the GNU Library General Public License
Downloading: The package has been developed in the context of the Ciao Prolog system and it comes as part of this system's libraries, i.e., to use PiLLoW within Ciao you only need to load the appropriate library. However, PiLLoW is also available for a number of other popular LP/CLP systems, see the links below for downloading.
Support: The PiLLoW/Ciao developers can be reached at Bugs should be reported to Specific professional support and maintenance services are available. Please contact for details.
Subscribing to the PiLLoW/Ciao mailing list: If you download PiLLoW, we highly recommended that you subscribe to the mailing list, so that you receive updates, bug fixes, and any other related info. You can subscribe by checking the approriate option during the download process, or by sending an ascii message to, containing in the body the word subscribe alone in one line. Discussion is limited to PiLLoW or Ciao-Prolog related topics and we will keep your email address strictly confidential. An archive of all messages to the list is available.
Documentation: Apart from the reference manual included with the distribution (as part of the Ciao reference manual in the case of the Ciao system) and available on-line below we have prepared an on-line tutorial describing Internet/WWW programming in general and with PiLLoW in particular as slides with examples (in pdf-recommended- or html) or as a (somewhat older) paper in on-line version or ps file. These documents explain the functionality of most of the library. You have also access here to the README and INSTALL files included with the distribution.
Examples: Here are some (very simple) examples of what can be done with the package (the actual possibilities are of course endless). They are prepared to run in the Ciao system, in other systems they need minor changes, notably in the header.
The PiLLoW library has been developed in the context of the &-Prolog and Ciao systems, but it has been adapted to a number of popular Logic Programming systems. Note, however, that this manual is written for the Ciao system, so if you use it in other systems, minor details in the documentation may not completely agree. For example, whereas in Ciao the library is a package which loads modules html and http, in the other systems it is just one module pillow. Thus, do not consider the Library usage information in other systems.
PiLLoW is distributed under the GNU Library General Public License.
Last modified on: Fri Jul 13 18:00:00 CEST 2001.
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